Sunday, July 18, 2010

new life... :p

hey, it's a new day.. a new life maybe? hahaha... I don't know...! :p

let's see...
Well, it's about 7 months when we really met,, started to talked each other,, in a real world! Becoz act, we already knew each other in the imagination world (oh,help the language!) hahaha... I'm not sure, maybe when I was in the 1st year in highschool... But, it's just by facebook.. well, facebook is helpful! :p

And then, you came to my school and took my graduated book as your job. It's made us to met and talked more.

The night when I broke up with my ex, you message me, it's just by chance. God's creation.. :D
You told me about your expo, and asked me to came to your expo. But, you made me laugh, it's so fun! And made me forget about my problem. :)

Month by month, we just talked, laughed, met, and we enjoyed it. Remember about "6 months"? I dunno, that song just makes me think about you until now.. (ok,it's getting sucks!hahaha)

Then, one night, maybe I took a wrong topic, and it just happend! 1st time you've been serious.. OMG! -______-

Next day, we had a new day! hahaha...

4 komentar:

Anonymous said...

New day,new life,
hoping you happily ever after

da cloudz hime said...

amiin... :D

Putra Wilasana said...


anggere koe seneng laaa...

da cloudz hime said...

hehe.. :D